Thursday, March 20, 2014

Here for a good time, not a long time... (Koh Phi Phi Part 2)

In a perfect world, many occurrences would transpire. Booze would flow from the rivers and into the streets for general consumption. No single human being would lie, cheat, steal or kill. If one so chose, he could get paid to talk to women and be social with whomever seemed willing.

Of course this utopia is only a fairy-tale, which up until Koh Phi Phi existed only in my mind.

As I slowly recovered from the fiery activities from the previous night I found an easy bar on the beach to lick my wounds and self medicate as much as my now sunfried brain would allow.

Pretty sure I fell asleep on that bar

Pretty cool English, on the way out

And then I met the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Before I continue, those that know me know I have a slight “girl problem.” In saying that, I mean I fall harder than Keith Richards hit his father’s remains. I do not have permission to use her name but I told her she would appear on the blog.

No words I can muster can describe her properly

We hung out and listened to Radiohead while I caught myself staring adoringly and devising a way to spend far more time with her. She had other plans after a few hours and borrowed a lighter and was on her way again. I have yet to see this beam of light since but I hope to one day finish what was begun on that radiant island day.

That night I returned to the Blanco bar where another beautiful girl (there are literally no unattractive girls on the island) asked if I would like to pick some songs for the party. Of course I obliged and then after about 5 songs she hired me on for the night. My job consisted of handing out flyers for the bar then coming back to play beer pong and “sexy jenga,” which if you haven’t played before is highly recommended, provided the female to male ratio is tipped in a favorable balance. The loser has to strip down completely and run into the ocean. Pictures will not be included, sorry guys.

My boss Sean on the left, and some coworkers

Our Aussie and Kiwi friends

More fire!

No recollection of being on the back of this guy or having my picture taken while doing so

Low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low

In any case we spent the rest of our time on Phi Phi laying in any half decent hammock we could find and drinking mango shakes. 

The hammock life

Caught the ferry back to the Canadian Consulate of Jen and Dean’s for a couple days to  unwind again, unfortunately we found out about Patong beach which is only a 15 minute drive from Jen’s. Unwinding is the exact opposite of Patong.

My blogging process

Happy bday Deano!

Koh Phi phi I will see you again,
Daniel Double-u

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