Sunday, March 9, 2014


It was time to leave Bangtao. The savage hangover in my stomach was locked in a dead heat with the complete feeling of elation in my brain from the golden win of the previous night. I had no idea how to feel, besides the incessant need of grease and a beer in me as soon as possible. The political strife of Bangkok seemed millions of miles away now although in reality the tempo of those drums are still only increasing. 

After leaving our cheap, probably flea-ridden hotel room to the eerie and beautiful song of Muslim prayer echoing through the street, we went back to Nok n Jo's bar to return the flag and hopefully regain some of the dignity that we lost there. 

Jo had the game on replay as we walked back into the now empty bar of champions. He took one look at Ryan and said "You feelin' ok?" 


"You need some breakfast"


It was delicious, we pounded it back along with the beer and I gave him the signed flag. We said we would be back but that might be somewhat of a lie. I may however do some work for a school in the area soon so It may not be. Either way. Thanks. 

Marty, we have to go back!

We hop on our bikes and promptly get lost without our friend Ali who has lived here for a year and knows her way far better. Instead of the hour it took us to get there it took about four and a half. 

This bar is much cooler at night. Tiger bar in Patong on the west side of the island
Stopping about every time we saw somebody that might know english and the island better than us. Pretty sure a few Thais were just pointing us in the wrong direction for kicks. We probably drove around the island a couple times before we found Rawaii and we still got lost in the town we supposedly knew. 

We started up just north of Kathu and were trying to find Rawaii at the very bottom

Finally I was so desperate to find the place that I stopped at what I'm pretty sure was a Hells Angel's house figuring they would know english. I woke up the burly lookin' dude on the couch and he looked me up and down before groggily saying "Oh... American boy" in very broken english. Well this was poorly planned. Sorry to wake you man, got the hell out of there before things turned sour. 

Finally we found the place by hiring a tuk tuk to drive Ryan and decided to pick up his bike tomorrow. 

After eating some amazing food, reading some news and having a well deserved Leo, I hit the bed and shut off my brain for what was two of the best days you could imagine. People are  not going to believe me when I describe how insane this place truly is. 

The rest of my night

aroi mak mak

Look who I found in the paper... Bonnie James!

"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."
Thank you Phuket,
 Daniel Double-u

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