Sunday, March 2, 2014

2.  Bangkok we are inside of you. (I have to apologize for the formatting, blogger sucks apparently)

 As soon as we got off the plane the first thing that hit me was the smell. Open sewer systems. And then almost immediately I got reminded what it’s like to be a white guy in a foreign country. The locals don't really see you, they see $$$ and will try to get as much as your farang dumbass will give them.

So we walked past a few decent salesmen trying to sell us everything they could right off the bat. If you put some of these guys in a suit and got them to sell stocks on Wall Street, nobody would be able to tell the difference between them and the shifty bastards already there.
The first Gumby sighting of the trip

Get a cab, alright, stand in line, alright, “where you want to go?” umm…. Downtown? And this is how you grease yourself into Bangkok I suppose.

So we get dropped off downtown. And decide to walk a bit to find a place to stay. This place is bumpin. I mean just crazy. We are getting grabbed by women (I think) left and right. Apparently my ghost-like white skin is a hit out here. They value a whiter appearance so much actually that there is skin whitener sold on the shelves for that fake-and-unbake crowd. Maybe that is what happened to MJ?

We find our spot, The Star Inn. In hindsight the place was definitely a brothel. We sat down at the bar and ordered a few Jagers (which I’m gonna have to stop drinking as it cost just as much as home) and took in our new surroundings. Girls are getting run in and out of the room like crazy by older white guys. Actually I could say we were staying in a brothel but I’m pretty sure every hotel is a brothel out here.

Kitties love bread

Craziness all around, after putting our stuff in the room we did another gauntlet run through the street girls, found a bottle of sang song rum and laughed our way to the first sleep in this nutty city.

Sang Some Rum,
Daniel Double-U

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