Wednesday, February 7, 2024

A Cubano Character Study: A Rambling

All you need is

Something on you feet, and a little bit of money, and a lot of time. This can be the best life imaginable. We are only held in by imaginary bars, unless you are crumbly and criminally minded, then the bars can be very real. 

Don’t be sad that it’s over, be thrilled because you experienced the neon. 

You are good enough to do this. It’s the only way. Don’t let the whole world break you down. A new day will come around. 

Slow dance through airports back home and go gather enough to get back as soon as you can. 



Genius mf'n Song... listen to it on repeat until it becomes you


I’d go dancing in the dark with you anytime. But only the lucky have been around so far. 

Be fine treat the locals with a kindness as familia. Become tight with the locals, BE the local, whatever locality you end up in. Soak in the sun and dance in the rain. From the Favelas to the Penthouse there is always time for dancing. 

Everything is zen, at least I think so. Kiwanuka sang of cold hearts, and if yours was frozen mine will thaw for the both of us. I’ll give it to ya raw with no cookin’ but sometimes the chickens taste flawed and shook. Book it. 

I don’t know how to do anything but love, and some people hate that. I'm a sensitive drama fest half the time and will always wonder why you don’t love me back. 

Mi amore’ es Cuba. I left my heart with the locals and they have returned the favour. I am so grateful for the neon of it all and amazed at how the universe will at times return kindness unconditionally. 

Thank you Cuba, thank you Halifax, thank you Canada. This week has fully restored my faith in humanity and the absolute power of friendship. Thank you too (yes even you), if I don’t know you yet I’d like to get to you soon

Hate it or love it the underdogs on top. 


🙏 Muchos Gracias 🙏 

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