Monday, May 13, 2024


Strike through

Live through this. 

As wildfires continue to rage and the rest of us continue to close off our senses, the seasons blur away from the mean, and we mourn the losses without considering the source. This world is a shit-show ride and its easy to get caught up in the backdraft of it all. 

Nobody reads this writing anymore, good. One can get caught up in self indulgence when you think there is an audience. True art is not for them, it's an expression. True art is the dying breath of a man who doesn't care anymore for the masses. Art isn't in the details, it's in the ether. It explodes outwards and covers us (perceived or indifferent) in blood and guts. 

Breathe through it. 

Feeling like shit is such an exercise in frustration. Exercising is such a maintenance grind. Living is a grind, life is a crap-shoot. It can get away at any moment and seem a billion miles away from reality. It is (in reality) a trillion miles away from anyone else. If you think any different you are in it for the wrong reasons. 

Without art we are hopeless, with it we are somewhat purposeful. Fuck it, we are all just floating away into that same damn ether. Might as well create something on the way to drowning in it. 

Experience is god. It is the stories we tell, without them we are just going through the motions until we die an unlived life. Get out of your comfort zone, get out of your house, get out of your head. Travelling humans are cool humans, they have none of the trappings of a sedentary life wherever they are from. They generally are not worried about bills, their friend or family issues, or what they are doing a month from now. They are this way because they are truly living in the moment, not acting or telling people they are while they waste their life playing video games or re-watching "Friends" for the millionth time. 




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