Friday, May 24, 2019

In the beginning there was...

He sat up and wondered out loud to nobody, Is this all that life is?

This time of the day always made Hunter ask these questions, it was 1:15 am and he had only woken up a half an hour prior. He looked around the dimly lit and barely furnished bachelor apartment he had called home since he was released from the Educational Holding Centre (or EHC) at age 14. He took a laboured breath of saturated air. In this time he hadn’t bothered with frills or decoration, he was the only one allowed in the apartment and there weren’t many decoration options available anyways.  

As he took a massive gulp of his government issued coffee he got up, cursed his sore back and stared at the single bare light bulb hanging from the ceiling. No windows meant no sunlight, and Hunter had only seen the actual sunlight a handful of times as a youth as he was transferred from one EHC to another part of town. The Complex he lived in was sealed and in it he had spent the last 15 years of his nights.

“Is this all that life is?” Human nature dictates that that these types of questions are asked by everyone at some point in their lives. Most of the time there is far more to it, we just need to find a way to see the sun once again.

Hunter glanced at his single bed and took off the old and musty blanket he had always thought smelled a bit off. He was allowed to wash one load a week and for the first few months he had always included the blanket but some small tears started to appear and the smell never left, so he gave up on the weekly practice. He now resorted to hanging it in the closet to hide the smell until he slept.
He always felt different than the others around but he was sure this was just another condition of the mind. Everybody feels different he thought, but if everybody feels different than we are all the same in feeling that way.